The story of this organization begins circa 146 B.C., when the last great Greek civilization fell to the Roman Empire.  Over the last 1,900 years Greece has struggled through a measly existence, being conquered by great empire after great empire.  In modern times, Junta's controlled the country in semblances of democracy through the 1990's.  Even today, the government is controlled by the great families from the Junta era.  Due to this political climate, famine, and immense financial struggles, an exodus occurred from the motherland.  We as citizens of the world benefitted from this turmoil, giving us access to rich Greek diasporas spanning all continents (fact check Antarctica anyone?).  Our goal is to pick up where Lord Byron failed, and help Greeks everywhere regain the glory never forgotten over the last 2,000 years.


Our organization's mission is dedicated to enriching the lives of the Greek peoples around us, saving them from tyranny like so many non-Greeks have done over the last two thousand years.  Learn more about our growing leadership team here Meet the Organization!  To accomplish this goal, the Brotherhood of Lord Byron (BOLB) organizes and hosts many events throughout the year, including the Feta Fling Dance and Eating Competition, the Annual Ball of the Order of the Ouzo, the Yperochoi Erastes ths Agapis Agapis (YEtAA) Hellenic Ladies Appreciation Night, the Philhellene Philharmonic and the Souvlaki for Saints charity drive.  We are currently interesting in expanding our events to include animals twirling on spits, so stay tuned!

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